Understanding Cancer

To make the statement that everyone has cancer in them is not intended to be discouraging, but, it does need to be qualified.


What everyone has are oncogenes, which are actually precursors (or basic building blocks) to mainstream cancer. Oncogenes are found in every cell. They have an important part in directing proper cellular proliferation. When certain abnormalities occur in these genes, they have been found to be part of the process that creates cancer.

We have a genetic and inherited trait residing in our cells that will cause them to produce rapidly-proliferating tissue, and that production can either be degenerative and destructive, or it can be regenerative and life-giving.

Cancer cells are quite different from healthy cells in various ways. It isn’t necessary to delve deeply into the physiology for the purpose of this article but the principle is that when these oncogenes are roused, they begin to regenerate very, very rapidly. Their growth becomes unrestrained and they infiltrate and mutate normal cells.

Cancer is in actuality a rapid generation of new cells.

Our DNA is unchangeable, except of course we may have mutation or radiation or various factors known to be carcinogenic.

Factors such as tobacco smoke, alcohol, asbestos, aluminum and other heavy metals, even certain viruses, especially those that are parasitic in nature.

It generally requires two or three oncogenes to transform a cell from normal to malignant. Once the oncogene kicks in, the growth rate is incredibly fast.

The oncogene is that portion of the cell that kicks in the reproduction of abnormal and rapidly-growing tissue. It is an actual regeneration of abnormal cells and they mass-produce; they take massive amounts of food and energy and also our life force from us, producing until it reaches the tumour stage and of course creates a greater and greater imbalance within the body, even though our immune systems are continuously working to maintain homeostasis and balance.

All the while, the immune system will tax itself to the utmost to try and deal with it. The cells just go on regenerating more and more cancerous tissue endlessly. That aspect of cellular reproduction is just carrying out its job impartially.

The immune system is seeking to arrest that growth by producing cells which are capable of identifying and targeting the enemy and producing other cells that will destroy it.

The cellular intelligence of the oncogene itself is that of survival, i.e., it too, has its own program of direction.

Ultimately, the system is depleted of all its energy forces. So the paradox is that even though we might be giving our bodies the best nutrients available, we are in actual fact feeding the cancer instead of feeding those aspects of the body that need the nutrients.

A statistic in this country is that two out of three people will die of cancer. That’s a frightening spectre. Now, all three have cancer, but what is it that causes two to succumb and ultimately die while the third one overcomes it?

What is the difference? Could a difference be the balance of one’s lifestyle? One’s physical environment (inner and outer), one’s emotions, even one’s outlook? There are possibly many factors. Let us consider one of the most important, that of balancing the body. We definitely need good nutrition, but that feeds the cancer. We need to have a safe and clean environment in our bodies.

What is it that causes the increased number of cancer cells to the point where the immune system can no longer control it? I perceive it to be that of cellular irritation where the cells become so agitated and mired in its wastes that the oncogene is switched on and begins the mutation and proliferation process that results in cancer. We have no control over things like sunspots when gamma radiation, for example, is released in greater amounts.

What about our chemical environment? Those chemicals and gases that are in our new carpets? The industrial pollutants extant all around us? The food preservatives, not to mention the mutated foods themselves? During the growing season, pesticides and chemical fertilizers are incorporated into the actual flesh of the fruits and vegetables we buy in our local supermarkets. The list can go on.

So, we have a greater challenge to do all in our power to keep our internal environment as clear and free as we can of wastes and pollutants and also then to be able to eat the best of enzyme-rich nutrients that we can. The key is to work to keep the body in a state of balance so that the mutational regeneration of the oncogenes can not seize the chance to mutate and reproduce. We need to give our immune systems all the help we can. We need to concern ourselves with prevention.

We need to understand that if we provide a balance to that ecosystem in our bodies, then homeostasis can more easily become the order of the day. Work to avoid stress.

Take responsibility to learn more about those things that contribute to your good health and well-being. Begin incorporating your own personal plan for the prevention of diseases. I don’t say this lightly. I know that there are no quick and easy answers, but there is enough information extant for us to take charge. Optimal health must come from within.

Look at your foods. Are they enzyme-rich or are they depleted of their nutrients?

Look at you lifestyle. Is it wholesome and balanced? Are you happy? And if you are not, why not? What are you doing about it?

How about stress? In the workplace? In the home? These can all become accumulative! It’s no easy path but if you don’t take measures of prevention now, no one else is going to do it for you.

The choice is yours. You can either walk toward sickness and debilities and ultimately death; or you can walk down the path that leads to good health and well-being.

There is nothing in this world quite so good as that continual wellspring of good health and well-being.